Originally published at: Spotting the Signs of Tech Burnout - Love the Idea
It’s all too easy to feel like our devices are running our lives. Whether it’s work emails, social media feeds, or catching up on your favourite shows, screens are always within reach. While technology has made things more convenient, it’s also left many of us feeling burned out and overwhelmed. If you’re starting to feel drained from your digital life, it might be time to hit pause and do a tech reset. Let’s explore how to spot the signs of tech burnout and how a digital detox can help you regain balance. Signs You’re Headed for Tech Burnout Emotional and…
If you’re wondering if “general burnout” and “tech burnout” is different. Tech burnout comes from hyper-connectivity, project overwhelm, and a constant rapid pace of change. I would say the top signs to look out for as a project owner or manager is: team members neglecting responsibilities, missing deadlines, avoiding meetings, or personal converstations indicating overwhelm.
Hi all! Burnout in tech is real and working at home comes at a cost.
I always think about Jony Ive. For those who don’t know, he was Apple’s Chief Design Officer. With the loss of Steve Jobs, the weight of Apple’s design future fell on his shoulders, and the flop reception of the Apple Watch led Jony into a state of profound burnout. He found himself not just designing but also involved in the marketing and management of a much larger team than he was used to. This shift from a small, nimble team to managing hundreds was too overwhelming. Exactly the same happens when managers pile on endless tasks on their developers but wonder why their looking to move to other projects.